Lock-down, a Game-changer:
Today is day # 16 of the Lock-down
imposed across the entire Nation. The number of corona infected cases/ death
toll , at this point of time is Globally 1,603,437/ 95,716. For India
those figures are : 6,412/ 199. The increasing number of corona
cases and the steadily growing death toll, shows inevitability of further
extension of lock-down, may be, by a couple of weeks. Thereafter also
‘unlocking’ will not be so simple. It is likely to be in a phased
manner. So, the life is not going to be the same, as in the past. Initially,
the for general public the lock-down was more of fun, more of change,
vacation etc . With growing prospects of
extending lock-down, heat of lock-down is being felt. Our
PM indicated, that the battle against corona is a long drawn battle,
and we have to gear up for the change and finally win this battle.
When I think of the future, many thoughts come
to my mind. Positive and Negative. Short term and long term. Social, Economic,
national and international, and so on. This is an
attempt to present how I look at this situation as of
now, and what is likely to be in
store for us, in future. It looks like a big
game-changer. Like the samudra manthan (churning
of the ocean) in our mythology, Corona has churned the entire Globe,
as never before. The world order will change in a big way. Our
PM is emerging as a world leader and India will
become Vishwa Guru, in days to come.
Lock-down has stifled everybody’s life. Income has stopped.
Life is disrupted. We get depressed by listening to TV channels,
Newspapers, as they have only single news item. As if, the
world is obsessed with only one event. The newspapers have stopped coming,
of late. So far as TV is concerned, I prefer to watch few select news channels,
and the episodes of Ramayana and Mahabharata. I heard that last
Sunday’s viewership of Ramayana, was more than 51 million! This is
unbelievable. It is a big solace, that at least for some time, your mind
is away from those frightening news. Everyone has to
struggle to manage even simple things. To win war against covid-19,
strict social distancing is must. Lockdown will break the chain of spread of
corona virus. It is in our own interest, and moreover, all are sailing in the
same boat.
Post demonetization, there has
been more usage of digital mode for financial transactions, than cash
transactions. It is proving particularly useful in present day situation. More
people are using digital medium for utility bills and other payments.
Fortunately supply chain is not broken; vegetables, milk, and grocery are
available, somehow. Social distancing, and use of mask, is a new feature of the
present day. The cost of living has come down in a big way. The
commuting costs, entertainment, hotelling, Mall visit, etc has come down to
almost zero. So we are spending only on essentials, and all
non-priority expenses stands curtailed. This is significant, in view
of reduction in income.
One important (good) side effect of the
lock-down is significant reduction in pollution levels. Roads, buildings are
very clean. Lock-down seems to have strengthened the Swachch Bharat
mission. I can hear variety of bird sounds, and see lots of parrots
around, these days. Birds, cattle, stray dogs must be wondering, as to, what
has happened to humans? How the poor pets will understand the
problem we are facing. My apprehension is, post un-locking, these
positive changes should not vanish.
We are spending more time with our family, which was almost
impossible in past. Domestic help being on leave, we have to extend our
help in day to day household work. Cleaning, gardening and what not, and yet
you have surplus time! One day, we opened up a bag containing
photographs. There could be more than 3000 photographs. Watching old
photographs, was so fun, believe me. It was a walk-through down memory lane. Talking
on phone, with our near and dear ones, is matter of joy. Lock- down has given
this opportunity to connect with them. We never had time, in the
past, to pursue our hobbies. Situation is reverse now.
The fear of what will happen in future is not
absolutely unfounded. How to pay salaries, EMIs, standing expenses,
when income will not be accruing adequately, is a real issue to be addressed. The
first and most important objective is to win over the ongoing corona war. It
can not be taken for granted. Strict adherence to social distancing and
prescribed norms, strictly following 100 % lock-down, for whatever time needed,
will lead to victory over Corona war. That is not the end. After
corona war, there will be other wars on economic and social
fronts. We have to adapt with this changed scenario to cope up. In
past, our life style was very simple and naturally cost of living was also on
lower side. We will have to go back to those old days (at least
partly), and be conservative. Without losing our cool, and with some
resourcefulness, it may not be that difficult to adapt. It requires,
change in attitude. The artificial element in cost of living will go away, to a
large extent. Someone forwarded a beautiful message: Our
present “cost of living”, is real one; what it used to be prior to corona
invasion, was “cost of lifestyles”.
The pandemic has
spread across the globe, unsparingly. This fact has brought all the countries-
developed or developing, big or small- on the same page. All are now sharing
the same concern. Countries like Italy, Spain, Iran, USA, are suffering more,
at this point of time, than other Countries, however the exponential growth in
spread of virus doesn’t guarantee and the safe looking countries can become
most affected, overnight. Therefore, imposing
nationwide lock-down, so swiftly, appears to be the best decision of our PM,
which kept the situation so far, under control. First time I find
that the CMs of all the states, all Doctors, paramedics, Government Agencies and Officials,
are acting in tandem with PMs vision. In spite of so much diversity, entire
India is on same page aggressively fighting battle against corona. The
WHO, The UNO, The USA, The EU, and media across the globe is watching
and appreciating the way India is leading from the front. Learning lessons from Italy, Spain and other
countries where corona toll is very high, India took wiser decisions.
These countries were hesitant to call for early lock-down, fearing economic
consequences. India, on the other hand, kept ‘people-first’ policy above
economic considerations. Our PM took initiative in SAARC nations and
then with G-20 countries to spearhead a strong corona fight collectively. PM’s
idea of ‘people-first’ was well appreciated by Global bodies, and other
countries as well. The mantra ‘vasudhaiv kutumbakam’ (
the whole world is one family) is clearly visible in the recent
developments of export of Hydrochloroquinn (HCQ) to USA and Brazil, Israel,
et al. Worlds 70 % requirement of HCQ is produced in
India. After providing for own needs (current as well as future),
the balance is being exported on the basis of maximum need. With
this move, the Pharma Companies in India, are having good access in
US markets. The USA President, the Brazilian PM and other
heads of Nations are all praise for
India. This attitude of India stands out, in sharp contrast against
the China, whose credentials are presently doubted by many
Countries, including USA.
may take six months or a year- we don’t know. Whatever it takes,
this war will end one day. Life will be different from then onward. The
correction will take place. The global total death toll is already frighteningly
high (even more than world war–2 toll). The world
economy will suffer from recession. Auto Industry, Aviation
Industry, Hospitality, tourism, and many more bear the maximum brunt of this
war. All major companies will have to shift the focus and start manufacturing
the new needs of the world: PPE, Medicines, Medical equipments like
ventilators, masks, and allied things. Hospitals, and Doctors will be in great
demand. Some countries, like Japan, are facing shortage of Doctors. Indian
Doctors will have a global demand. The
economies of India and China will stand out as bright spots amongst
world economies. Not that India will not suffer. Indian economy will also go
through a bad patch. There will be economic hardships, however, India will
overcome those hardships, in near future. The demographic
dividend coupled with Innovations, Make in India and the edge in Pharma and IT
Industry, will help us to turn around. We are lucky to have a visionary and
strong PM, as our leader. He has a unique knack of converting all
challenges he face into an opportunity. His global leadership qualities are clearly visible in present situation, just as the gold glitters when it goes through
fire. India, under able leadership of our PM, will bounce back, with full force. One
advantage for India is, the strong solidarity displayed by people of India in
this crisis. This mandate from the 1.3 billion people of India will
be the foundation of people-centric governance by our PM,
who will usher a new chapter in history:
India, a “Vishwa Guru” .
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